Ka noho mātou kei raro i te maru o te mana whenua o Rangitāne…
I maumahara mātou ki a rātou kua wehe atu ki te pō… ngā tangata e whakapuāwai ana tā tātou kaupapa, hei tiaki, hei hāpai, hei whakaora ngā wawata o tā tātou hāpori, ara… hei, Ūwhia te pā whakawairua ki te manawanui, kia haemata te tipu. E kore e wareware e mātou, a rātou mahi taumaha, he mahi rangatira… Ngā mihi nui ki a rātou.
Huri noa, ki te hunga ora, o te Ao hou nei… kei te whawhai tonu mātou kia whakataurite tā tātou hunga rangatahi mō te Ao hurihuri nei. He mihi hoki ki a rātou ngā ope rangapū, nā te pūtea tautoko hei āhei tā mātou mahi hāpori, whānau, rangatahi rānei.
We acknowledge those who have passed, who have seeded and developed our kaupapa to blossom in supporting the aspirations in the development of our community in nurturing our Rangatahi. We will never forget them for their seeding of this kaupapa… it is the work of chiefs’, that supports its peoples development.
In today’s world… we continue to fight to assist in providing balance for our young within a forever changing world.
The partners who have joined in supporting this kaupapa, as we acknowledge ‘that it takes a village to raise a child’ within these developments, we humbly express gratitude for your support, confidence and trust to empower the vison that was seeded from those gone by, in providing positive and proactive options and opportunities to our community, young people and whānau in vesting wants, dreams and aspirations.
Our partners in this mahi:
• Te Mana Whenua o Rangitāne
• Palmerston North City Council
• Ministry of Social Development
• Oranga Tamariki
• Palmerston North Boys High School
• Te Tihi Whānau Ora Collective
• Ora Konnect
• Youth One Stop Shop – Palmerston North